Call for Consultants – Stringers

Call for Consultants – Stringers latest vacancies in Malawi Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) Careers in Malawi Call for Consultants – Stringers Jobs in at Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) Malawi

Closes*> February 19, 2021

![Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa

Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)


Established in 2006, the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) is
an African-led and Africa-based institution

that puts smallholder farmers at the center of the continent’s growing economy
by transforming agriculture from a

solitary struggle to survive into farming as a business that thrives.

Working in collaboration with our partners—including African governments,
researchers, development partners, the

private sector and civil society— AGRA’s work primarily focuses on smallholder
farmers – women, men, and youth who

typically cultivate staple crops on two hectares or less.

Through our 5-year strategy for 2017-2021, we aim to catalyze and sustain an
inclusive agricultural transformation

through integrated, country-based investment plans in 11 countries with high
potential for success. This transformation

will be achieved through innovation-driven and sustainable productivity
increases and access to innovative finance

and markets to increase the incomes and improve food security for 30 million
farming households in these countries

by 2021.

The strategy focuses on supporting countries to drive the transformation;
developing systems for delivery of essential

services and goods to farmers; and building an ecosystem of partners for

Most of our investments will be channeled through the Partnership for
Inclusive Agricultural Transformation in Africa

(PIATA), which is a unique 5-year strategic partnership that enables African
agriculture actors to do business differently

as they support leaders to drive an inclusive agricultural transformation.


Communication is central to delivering this strategy and will play an even
more crucial role in ensuring that our

messages and stories of change and impact are pro-actively identified,
tastefully packaged and shared through multiple

platforms optimizing traditional, new and social media. AGRA’s Communications
function will aim to use multiple

tools and tactics to reach our audiences composed of African governments,
private sector, businesses and investors,

donors and philanthropists, key policy makers, academia, research institutions
and thought leaders, farmers and the

general public.

The overarching aim of the communication push is to showcase solutions that
should be scaled up, create awareness

about the place of smallholder agriculture in inclusive wealth creation,
spotlight challenges that should be addressed,

profile opportunities for investment across the agricultural value chain and
provide an accountability to our funders

while supporting the resource mobilization effort for AGRA and African
agriculture more broadly.

To complement our in-house capabilities and capacity to deliver a world class
communication function, we are hiring

consultant stringers to support our communications work in Ghana, Nigeria,
Mali, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Malawi and

Mozambique. The consultants will be engaged for an initial period of one year
based on performance. The consultant

will be commissioned for specific deliverables.

Please note that only nationals of these countries should apply.

Duties and Responsibilities

Country Communications Support and Media Engagement

• Mobilize media in the priority countries to attend and cover major events
and projects

• Organize and manage media interviews before, during and after key events.

• Organize and manage media field visits in the priority countries

• Co-ordinate photography and videography for the events

• Follow up with the media for coverage

• Undertake media coverage tracking and provide coverage report including for
print, broadcast and online media.

Content Generation

• Produce content in English and other relevant local languages and distribute
it to national and regional media.

• Report and write news stories for AGRA from the field and grantees in the
priority countries, striving for timely

reportage that engages key audiences, respects protection concerns, and
navigates political sensitivities.

• Commission and edit news and feature stories on African agriculture,
reflecting AGRA’s communications priorities

and key messages in liaison with the AGRA communications team.

• Clear news and feature stories with relevant country and regional offices
prior to publication.

• Collaborate with video, photo and social media colleagues to package
multimedia content effectively and


• Write and edit other text as required.

Functional Competencies

• Contacts with national and international media in the priority countries

• Experience producing, editing and disseminating multimedia content for
online audiences ideally for media

outlets, international brands, political parties, NGOs, or other international

• Experience working in sensitive and fast-moving news, communications,
advocacy and/or fundraising contexts.

• Demonstrated ability to work independently and manage multiple projects and
deadlines simultaneously with a

sense of urgency;

• Proven ability to conceptualize, plan and execute ideas.

• Proven skills in organizing events, communication, networking, negotiation,
and ability to relate to different


• Excellent written, oral and comprehension command of English or French (Mali
and Burkina Faso) and highly

developed writing and editing skills.

Required Skills and Experience


University degree in communications, political science, international
relations or a related field. Diploma holders with

an extra 2 years’ experience are eligible to apply

Job experience

• Minimum of 3 years’ professional experience in journalism, communications,
marketing or development work.

• Proven ability to act with discretion and diplomacy.

• Excellent communication and editorial skills.

• Strong understanding of the national and regional media environment,
including grasp of social media.


Qualified and interested candidates are encouraged to submit detailed copies
of their CV and a cover letter explaining

their suitability for the role and listing their expected daily rates and
evidence of recent work. Applications should be

sent to [ ]( by 19th February
2021, 5PM (East African time).


AGRA reserves the right to determine the structure of the process, number of
short-listed candidates and the right

to withdraw from this process at any time without prior notice and without
liability to compensate and/or reimburse

any party

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Call for Consultants – Stringers latest vacancies in Malawi Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) Careers in Malawi Call for Consultants – Stringers Jobs in at Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) Malawi

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