Jobs in Blantyre Malawi Malawi Bureau of Standards Jobs in Blantyre Terms Of Reference (Tors) For A Consultant To Conduct A Feasibility Study On Mbs Separation And Unbundling Reforms Jobs in Blantyre at Malawi Bureau of Standards Terms Of Reference (Tors) For A Consultant To Conduct A Feasibility Study On Mbs Separation And Unbundling Reforms Employment opportunities Malawi Bureau of Standards
Closes*> March 9, 2021
![Malawi Bureau of Standards](https//
Malawi Bureau of Standards
The Malawi Bureau of Standards (MBS), is a parastatal organization responsible
for promoting standardization and quality assurance in Malawi. The MBS was
established in 1972 by Act of Parliament Cap51 of the Laws of Malawi revised
June 2012. The MBS is also responsible for enforcement of the Weights and
Measures Act Cap 49 currently being revised and
to be passed as Metrology Act. The MBS has been implementing 2017-22 strategic
plan and therefore wishes to engage the services of competent consultants
to a feasibility study towards MBS separation model that will separate
standardization, regulatory and conformity
assessment functions as provided for in the MBS Strategic Plan, as well as
eventual unbundling of the MBS as per National Quality Strategy (2015-20).
2.1 One of the key outputs of the SQAM Project was the development of National
Quality Policy approved 2014 and National Quality Strategy (NQS) 2015-
2020 aimed at providing a fully functional and SQAM Environment in Malawi;
2.2 In line with WTO/TBT and SADC Trade Protocols the NQS provides notable
strategic objectives providing for reforms related with the MBS functions are
as follows
2.2.1 Revision of the National Standards Act to empower the MBS (Objective #
4);2.2.2 Establish an interim operating model to separate the regulatory,
standards and conformity assessment services (Objective
# 18) and
2.2.3 Establish a new regulator for Compulsory Specifications (Objective #20);
2.3 The proposed MBS reforms from NQS were incorporated for implementation in
the MBS Strategic Plan 2017-22 under Strategic Pillar
#2 Institutional Restructuring and Governance Reforms;
2.4 Under this strategic pillar, the goal is to have a provisional model that
will enable separation of MBS regulatory and conformity services;
2.5 A number of strategic objectives need to be achieved under this goal
(a) Strategic Objective 2.1 To institute an MBS Provisional Pragmatic
Separation (PPS) Model for regulatory & Conformity assessment services by
(b) Strategic Objective 2.2 To institute an autonomous and effective
governance structures for all Units within MBS by 2022; (c) Strategic
Objective 2.3 is to develop and implement a reorganization strategy for MBS by
2.6 While NQS suggests eventual unbundling of the MBS, in the longer term,
through establishment of a new regulator for compulsory specifications, the
MBS Strategic Plan only proposed establishment of a separation model;
2.7 Hence this paper provides Terms of Reference for a feasibility study that
will show economic viability to the nation or otherwise of these proposed
reforms for Malawi Bureau of Standards in order to meet both NQS and MBS
Strategic Plan objectives.
3.1 To review the National Quality Policy, National
Quality Strategy (2015-20) and MBS Strategic Plan (2017-22) to understand the
rationale behind separation of the MBS functions namely standardisation from
regulatory and conformity assessment services;
3.2 To determine viability and impact of separation and unbundling of the MBS
on the national economy against Malawi’s commitments to regional and
international protocols;
4.1 Desk Review It will be necessary that the consultant conducts a desk
study in order achieve the following
(i) To Identify, assemble and select all the available key reports and
documents relevant for the reform agenda of separation and unbundling;
(ii) Review all critical documents available namely MBS Strategic Plan
2017-22, National Quality Policy, National Quality Strategy (2015-22), Malawi
Growth and Development Strategy III, Malawi Vision 2063, National Export
Strategy, SQAM and MACTB Project Support Documents, WTO/TBT/SPS/SADC Trade
Protocols as well as other key reports generated from the projects and other
4.2 Inception workshop It is expected that the Inception workshop will be
attended by key stakeholders,Ministries,DepartmentsandAgencies (MDAs) namely
Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Health, Ministry of
Finance, Ministry of Economic Development, Public Private Partnership (PPP)
Commission, UNDP, MCCCI and Malawi Bureau of Standards, and other selected
public and private sector organisations some 20 participants in total.
4.3 Surveys and Consultations It is anticipated that the assignment will be
achieved through a questionnaire that will be prepared for survey and
interviews for data collections at national, regional and International
4.3.1 National Level. The survey will cover MBS offices throughout the country
as well as key stakeholders in order to determine to what extent they envisage
the separation or unbundling to benefit the country or not. Consultations will
be conducted with individuals and groups involving one-on-one interviews and
group discussionswith relevant Government Ministries and Departments,
Technical Agencies, Business Associations, development partners and primarily
Private Sector that are directly or indirectly involved with the MBS in the
4.3.2 Regional and International Level The consultant will need to collect
data from the following key institutions
(a) Regional Economic Communities and Institutions namely SADC,COMESA and East
African Community, WTO/TBT to appreciate the driving forces, commitments and
experience on separation and unbundling of NSBs.
(b) National Standardisation Bodies
(NSBs). Further the consultants will need to gather information and data from
the NSBs in sample countries in the region namely South Africa,
Mozambique,Zambia,Ethiopia,Namibia and Tanzania to determine their position,
rationale, extent and experiences in the unbundling process;4.4 Reporting and
Validation Workshop The consultant will undertake data analysis and prepare
report indicating viability of separation and unbundling for Malawi as well
recommendations on the possible way forward for Malawi. He/she will further
conduct a validation workshop where the report will be reviewed by
stakeholders who attended the inception workshop.
5.1 An inception report to be prepared before the consultancy is undertaken;
5.2 A full report on feasibility of separation and unbundling, for Malawi with
recommendation on possible way forward for the country;
5.3 Validation report on the feasibility study report;
The consultant or the consulting firm shall have at least a Masters degree in
Strategic Management, Business Administration, Engineering and Natural
Sciences, Social Sciences, Economics and other related qualifications.
The consultant shall have to demonstrate competence in and have a clear
understanding of the following
• Demonstrate understanding of the MBS and Standarisation, Quality assurance,
Accreditation and Metrology (SQAM) or National Quality Infrastructure (NQI) in
Malawi and/or in other developing countries;
• Familiarity with the economic landscape and policy framework of Malawi
Government as it relates to industry, trade and private sector development;
• Demonstrated experience and proven track record in formulation of
feasibility studies and/or similar assignments with objective evidence.
The assignment is expected to take 60 man days inclusive of report submission
and validation Workshop.
The Consultant will work under the supervision of the Director General. The
Consultant will be adequately qualified and experienced in the field to
satisfactorily deliver the expected outputs and will ensure strict adherence
to timely and quality delivery of the preliminary and final report.
Interested consulting firms and individuals should source detailed tender
documents available at a non-refundable fee of MK20,000 and submit their
technical and financial proposals at the Malawi Bureau of Standards Head
Office, Moirs Road next to Arkay Plastics by 500 pm on Tuesday, 9th March
The proposals should be addressed to
The Senior Procurement Officer
Malawi Bureau of Standards
P. O. Box 946
Apply Today Through
URL Link to Apply
Jobs in Blantyre Malawi Malawi Bureau of Standards Jobs in Blantyre Terms Of Reference (Tors) For A Consultant To Conduct A Feasibility Study On Mbs Separation And Unbundling Reforms Jobs in Blantyre at Malawi Bureau of Standards Terms Of Reference (Tors) For A Consultant To Conduct A Feasibility Study On Mbs Separation And Unbundling Reforms Employment opportunities Malawi Bureau of Standards
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Monday, February 8, 2021
Jobs in Malawi Bureau of Standards Malawi
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