Jobs in Salima Malawi MultiConsult-Africa - NYNCC Consortium Jobs in Salima Research Consultant Jobs in Salima at MultiConsult-Africa - NYNCC Consortium Research Consultant Employment opportunities MultiConsult-Africa - NYNCC Consortium
MultiConsult-Africa - NYNCC Consortium
Re*> search Consultant for a Baseline Study on Pollinator Prevalence and
D*> iversity in the Chagunda Forest
Project Title*> C-with-B (Conserve-with-Benefit) Project
i. Post Title*> Research Consultant
ii. Contract Duration*> August 2020 (15 working days)
iii. Implementing Partner*> MultiConsult-Africa – NYNCC Consortium
iv. Application Deadline 29*> t*> h*> J*> u*> l*> y*> ,
The C-with-B project uses youth forest conservation initiatives to provide
socioeconomic and ecosystem-oriented solutions for the benefit of the youths,
communities and the environment. The project is implemented by National Youth
Network on Climate Change in partnership with MultiConsult-Africa with
financial support from Tauw Foundation.
The project basically aims to enhance conservation of forests while
capitalizing on some forest value chains in a way of empowering youth
economically. Already, New Vision Youth Club, which is a member of the
National Youth Network on Climate Change is already implementing forest
conservation initiatives. The club is involved in tree seedling production as
a resource mobilization strategy but it also contributing to forest management
by conducting tree planting activities. This project seeks to engage youth to;
1. Venture into apiculture by introducing beehives in the forest. From this, youth will be supported with a honey processing and packaging facility that will enable them to supply honey on the market.
2. Venture into Mushroom production. This mushroom will be graded and packaged for sell on the market.
3. Introduce flowers and other flowering plants in the forest to create a safe haven for pollinators. This will sorely aim to create a conducive habitat for other pollinators.
4. To enhance diversity and abundance of pollinators for improved ecosystem services.
MultiConsult-Africa is a Malawian based Consulting firm that is committed to
playing unique, catalytic and holistic roles in assisting governments and
other development-oriented players in achieving sustainable socio-economic
development. The organization seeks to achieve this by supporting pro-poor
initiatives especially those targeting vulnerable groups of people.
Multiconsult-Africa is able to do this by collaborating with other like-minded
development players in pursuing interventions with available resources with an
absolute aim of improving and attaining sustainable livelihoods. MultiConsult-
Africa believes that knowledge sharing and involvement of target masses as
partners and not beneficiaries in all development initiatives is key to
enhancing technology uptake, ownership of development and gender equity and
National Youth Network on Climate Change (NYNCC) is a non-profit youth network
that was established and registered in 2012. The network works with youth-
based organizations, University groups, rural youth groups, schools, and like-
minded individuals. The network exists to coordinate youth efforts in the
fight against climate change by ensuring the inclusion and active
participation of youth through participatory and community-led approaches and
also influence climate change decision making processes in Malawi.
This position is open in order to hire a short-term individual consultant (s)
to work on developing a baseline on pollinator prevalence and diversity in
Chagunda Forest in Salima
This research will help us establish the current pollinator prevalence and
diversity and assist the consortium understand whether specific forest
interventions help improve pollinator prevalence and diversity over time.
The report will be shared with partners and key stakeholders to inform
implementation of various forest-based interventions in improving pollinator
abundance and diversity in Malawi forests.
> Provide up to date baseline data on the social indicator score card that will be basis for programme impact monitoring.
> Conduct an assessment of the forest’s conditions and characteristics
> Describe the forest management approach under use.
> Give recommendations for the right Forest-Based Enterprises that can be initiated in the forest
> Identify the most important pollinators existing in the forest and
1. Establish their abundance.
2. Describe the diversity of the pollinators in the forest
3. Recommend strategies that can be used to improve or maintain the diversity of the pollinators
Specifically, consultant (s) is expected to provide
1. A brief inception report describing the methodology, tools and timeframe for the study.
2. A baseline report regarding pollinator assemblage diversity and richness including the general conditions and characteristics of the forest area
> A Masters or higher degree in a discipline that is relevant to Developmental Studies/Agric-sciences/ Forestry / Environment/Natural Resources Management or horticulture
> Knowledge, understanding, and practical implementation of survey methodology that demonstrates clear cognizance of technical, social, and economic focal points associated with forest resources management
> A background in agro-ecosystems is highly recommended.
> Knowledge and understanding of the current forest management and governance issues in Malawi
> Demonstrable experience in conducting baseline research in similar studies
> Excellent oral and written communications in English.
The consultant should include their proposed daily rate, which should include
all costs. Value for money will be taken into account in the baseline study.
Please submit your CV and your technical proposal under the following
1. Contact Information
2. Relevant Experience
3. Proposed Methodology
4. Work plan including timeframe for research, including the time for writing the reports.
5. Budget – including daily rate of consultant.
C*> all for tenders issued*> July 15th 2020.
De*> adline for receipt of applications 29*> t*> h*> J*> u
ly*> , 2020*> submitting to contact below with a
Maximum Proposal Document*> 5 pages (not including personal bibliography)
C*> ommencement of work*> on or before 1*> st*> A*> u*> g
us*> t, 2020
C*> ontact Person*> Collins Mittochi
Email*> [ ]( [ ]( ,
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Jobs in Salima Malawi MultiConsult-Africa - NYNCC Consortium Jobs in Salima Research Consultant Jobs in Salima at MultiConsult-Africa - NYNCC Consortium Research Consultant Employment opportunities MultiConsult-Africa - NYNCC Consortium
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Jobs in MultiConsult-Africa - NYNCC Consortium Malawi
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